Moo. (or whatever.)

Got back from the Bend and more or less immediately turned around and lit out for North Texas to see Mom and do family business and Mom things for a while. Much fun was had, a couple of bookstores were raided, and more than a few bad puns were committed, but there wasn’t a lot of time left over for photography or wandering in search of same.

We did get in a quick scouting run to Glen Rose, though. Met this fine youngster out for a Monday evening roam….

(It’s a bright shot but it was actually evening. The sun was just barely above the horizon to the right, not far out of the frame. I needed to overexpose by about a stop and a half to get detail in the side and the off side of his face, which of course blew all the color out of the sky. I was, for once, quite glad to be working with a digital camera as I’d have burned at least half a roll of film on this one and probably STILl not have been happy with the result…)

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