It’s a dog’s life…

And with eyes like this, well, a dog’s life can be pretty good, all things considered.

I have to admit that Travis didn’t really seem just terribly thrilled when I caused him to be dragged out into a Houston September with a fur coat on, but he got over it quickly and was quite a good sport about the whole insanity.

I still think I owe him a few Travvy treats before the account’s balanced… but maybe that’s just the eyes. I think I’m being manipulated. (It’s Working.)

Poor suffering puppy...

Poor suffering puppy...

(In the interests of helping a good cause, which I like to do when I can, I’ll plug Travis’s favorite charity, Golden Beginnings Golden Retriever Rescue, who seem to have had a lot to do with getting Travis and his companion in canine crime Pecos into their current VERY happy forever home. If you like goldens, or dogs, check these folks out. If you absolutely HATE dogs, check them out anyway… a good Golden might change your mind. )

Look at the eyes….

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