Timing. Timing is everything. Mine is erratic.

Well, the new camera is here… and it’s absolutely gorgeous. 5 days from Hong Kong, including a weekend and a US holiday, is very very good.

And it’s RAINING for a week or so, according to the Weather Channel. Officially we’re at 40-60% chance, but with the weather patterns here that makes intermittent rain almost bankable.

I know, I know, it’s quite possible to shoot in the rain, but the pinhole is brand new and not even a little bit water resistant, so it’s staying safely indoors. I need to find a hard case; at the moment it’s being swallowed up by a far too big but temporarily disused F5 Domke, but that’s not a permanent solution. The Pelican 1400 would be a workable size for the camera and a two year supply of Acros, but it’s also a hundred bucks, which is more than I wanted to spend. I’m going to try EPO (a local shop for guys who like to build their own electron-shunting devices) which always has a decent selection of off-brand and odd cases for things.

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