It’s Springtime in Texas…

and that means bluebonnets and wildflowers out the wazoo.

I’d cancelled several things to go out and shoot bluebonnets over the weekend… and then Friday evening and Saturday the universe said “thou shalt not shoot the bluebonnets” by way of thunderstorms and tornado warnings and reports of hail and very high winds and one damn thing after another. Shooting delicate flowers under these circumstances is nothing short of impossible, so I stayed to home and got some admin and housecleaning things done and watched weather reports, and it appeared to be quite bad where I was going. So along about 0400 Sunday morning when it was time to start getting set up to leave I was REALLY not terribly optimistic about finding anything much and told myself that a few more hours of sleep was a better idea, besides which it was still raining here.

Of late, however, I’ve come to be VERY skittish of anything that seems like a good idea, so I loaded and gassed the truck and coffee’d the photographer and away we went.

Bluebonnets, it seems, are resilient little glories.

And it’s a bumper crop.

and another

The closeups were shot at a streetcorner just a few blocks from the Brenham courthouse. (Please note that when you’ve skipped breakfast it’s not a good idea to hang around across the street from a fried chicken joint that’s just getting fired up for the day…)

Another pretty day today if we ignore the raindrops. Let’s hit the streets.

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