YES! Photographs!

Air Conditioner’s been off and on out of commission for the last few days, cutting out my darkroom time. Yes, I CAN print when it’s 98 degrees and the chemistry is likewise, but it’s not pleasant, it’s not much fun, and no one’s paying me for it — so why would I want to?

But it’s fixed now, and it appears to be holding, so last night I was finally able to get in and develop a couple of rolls of 120 that had been sitting in the fridge for a bit.

This is from one of Houston’s more open secrets, the Houston Arboretum and Nature Center in Memorial Park. It’s a nice place to go for a walk in the woods, provided you’ve got a couple of gallon buckets of mosquito repellant handy.

I usually do.

I’m not totally satisfied with the scan here; I’m still getting the process of scanning B&W from negatives sorted out. I’ve some good books and some very fine mentors and I can get things usable given a little time, but I still prefer the look of a scan from a print, because I’m better in the darkroom than I am in dealing with levels and curves and such in Photoshop. (On the other paw I haven’t spent twenty years or more DEALING with Photoshop yet. There’s a lot more here than I’m getting.)

Second shot to post this morning is from a trip a few months back out to visit friends in Terlingua, out in the Big Bend area of West Texas.

This is the Rio Grande seen from the west side of The Big Hill on the River Road, to the west of Lajitas, going out towards Redford and Presidio. Most of the frame is Mexico; everything to the left of the river.

Says here at the weather page for the area that I’m in for some interesting weather today. At least it won’t be miserably hot. Think I’m gonna hit the streets. Coming with?

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