Some Days you get Lucky

So I’m shooting pictures for the paper at the “Warehouse District Art Crawl,” chatting with one of the artists, and this gent comes up and starts a conversation about digital cameras… He’s just gotten a D70 Nikon, wonders how it compares to the D60 Canon I’m using, the artist chimes in, and we’re off on the gearhead discussion…

Few minutes later it winds down and he notices the Leica under my arm, asks if I still shoot film, and do I by chance know anyone who might be in the market for an old RB67 Pro S kit at a really good price…

(Weeellll. I’d been thinking for the last year or so that I really ought to get another one and get back to work on RB-style stuff, so… )

“Yeah I might…”

Next thing I know I’m in the living room of his loft next door, and he hauls out this frickin’ suitcase case and flips open the lid…

VERY clean RB. 2 120 6×7 backs. 1 120 645 back. Polaroid back. Collapsing hood. Left-side grip. ADJUSTABLE left-side grip. Waist-Level finder. Prism Finder. Metered chimney finder. 65 lens. 90 C lens. 180 C lens. Caps. Hoods. Miscellany.

Hasn’t been used in a bit, needs to be dusted off a little. He says his eyes aren’t what they were and he can’t make it focus anymore, so he’s gone to the AF digital. Hasn’t shot it in over a year but it was working perfectly, and he hates to sell it but he’s in a bit of a bind…

Will I pay (ridiculously low price) for the entire setup and give it a good home?

Umm…. Y’know, I think I can make myself do that.



Yeah, we’re going to get along just fine…

Lock and load; let’s hit the streets.

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Here he goes again

Sculpture outside a local cultural arts foundation, just after moonrise….

Lock and Load… let’s hit the streets.

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Another Pic

Okay, in case nobody’s figgered it out, I’m not all that much of a regular at this…. (which is okay with me since I’ve figgered it out that nobody’s reading this anyway….)

Today’s file foto:

Today’s update to the memorial list: Add Richard Avedon and George Silk…. this is seriously depressing. Light in the dark: at least it’s near Samhain; black crepe for armbands is easy come by.

Lock and load; let’s hit the streets.

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Pic for the …. whatever

Today’s Shot of the (insert chronologically vague interval here) from a while back…

And today brings the unhappy news that we’ve just lost another of the greats. Cartier-Bresson, Carl Mydans, now Eddie Adams. That’s enough for one year…. it can stop now.

Lock and load… let’s hit the streets.

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So I’m standing on this little side-street bridge over a storm drainage culvert, open and unlined style, photographing a small pod of nutria who are burrowing into the bank and undermining the bridge.. and as I’m packing up to go home, someone else wants his closeup… So what was I to do? Couldn’t just tell him I wasn’t interested… besides which he’s kinda cute, in a ugly-ish sort of way….

Lock and load… let’s hit the streets.

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Today’s Pic Fix

So this is today’s photo. Tomorrow may be something else. Some will be current, some will be old stock, some I haven’t even shot yet.

On another sad note, it’s being a rough summer for the greats of the profession; we lost HC-B a few weeks ago and today there’s word that Carl Mydans has left us behind… again. Going through way too much black crepe this month.

Lock and load… let’s hit the streets.

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Now THIS is FrankenFood

Scientists discover decaf coffee bean
Colin Blackstock
Thursday June 24, 2004
The Guardian

“….scientists have discovered a naturally caffeine-free coffee plant. ”

This here is unnatural, evil, immoral, and just plain bad. This is proof, if we ever needed it, that there ARE bad guys out there and they DO hate us. Let us find these so-called “scientists” and …. Hang on, must get refill…

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