Off to a good stop. Start. Whatever.

Well, in an unexpected but oddly not unwelcome start to the new year, the brakes on the truck started to grumble a bit on new year’s day. Jan 2 was crazy, getting work up and running again, but on the third I made an appointment and took her in to the brake shop. I was figuring just new pads and shoes, get out for around a hundred bucks, no big deal.

Or not.

Say hello to Rain. He’s busily engaged in rebuilding Andromeda the 4Runner’s front brakes (which process took substantial parts of the afternoon – turns out you can’t just stroll around the corner and pick up brake rotors for a truck that’s 15 years old no matter HOW cool it is…),  following which he will quickly reline her back brakes, hand me my key and turn me over to the guy in the office, who will nick my wallet pretty good. Nearly $600 later, we’re out of the shop and on the road, and not only are the brakes quiet but they stop much more quickly.

This is a good start for the year. Yeah, I spent $600 on the brakes, but I spent nothing on the grille, nothing on the front bumper, nothing on the radiator, nothing on rebuilding the engine, and most importantly nothing on rebuilding the owner after a catastrophic brake failure. (Admittedly there are days when the photographer could probably USE a rebuild, but I don’t think I could afford it and I’d like to be able to plan for it a bit more precisely than “scree–crunch!” anyway.)  So on balance I’m not unhappy.

The timing could have been marginally better, but nothing that matters is significantly inconvenienced. I had no real moneywork waiting on that Zeiss 25 I was wanting. Later. There are other more important things to buy…. like road miles.

Sun’s gonna be up soon; lock and load, there’s pictures to be made.

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Yes. It’s a snake. Yes. It’s alive. Its name is Khaleegy. Yes, she’s dancing with it.

Her name is Soraya.

Beyond that I got nothin’.

There’s this one, too.

Lock and load; time for the streets.

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File Finds

Wandering through the files…

Somewhere south of the rainbow…

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Early Censorship

Austin’s Colony, Tejas (October 27, 1837)

I’m not sure but I think they’re going to hang me.

I was just wandering around the Jones’ back yard talking to visitors, doing my thing, and listening to the musicians, and then I noticed the sign…

Don't shoot the fiddler

Of course by then it was too late.

(The fiddleist, who I PROMISE was safe and functional when I left (for some value of ‘functional’ anyway — he is a musician)  is Mel Peters of Celtaire. Turn your speakers on and put on your toe-tappin’ shoes; you’ll want them. Then click the link.)

(There actually IS some historical background here. In the times before radio and telegraph, musicians were not only vital morale-boosters for troops at war, but also a critical link for communication in the field – bugle calls and the like were all based on the fact that music carries for far greater distances and with much greater clarity than spoken or shouted words. Consequently, musicians were high-priority targets for infiltrators or snipers.)

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This young lady just experienced one of the great joys of school festivals everywhere.

She just dunked her math teacher.

Life is good.

Lock and load; let’s hit the streets.

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Grand Taiko Festival

Just a quick post from Saturday evening’s edition of Kaminari Taiko’s Festival at Miller Theatre, which was a heck of a show with pretty good attendance in spite of vaguely threatening weather.

or if you like blue backgrounds, we can do that….

or there’s orange….

Or there’s REALLY orange.

Courtesy of the Big Mountain Stage Show, we have also these:

and also

Wonderful show.

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Fiestas Patrias, 2

These nice people are Clemente and Eladia Ayala, the guiding force (and our hosts) for the Spring Branch Fiestas Patrias / Diez y seis de Septiembre celebration, featuring a parade, dances, music, food, and general purpose fun. LOTS of general purpose fun….

Did I mention a parade?

There was a parade. Caballeros…..

Marching Bands

And all the rest (well, in a day or so. Got work to do on that page.) It’s done now.  I may tweak it a bit but the guts are there.

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Fiestas Patrias `07

Parade morning:

Padre Hidalgo ringing the bell…

Folkloric dancers having a good time.

Folkloric dancers not having a good time. Yet. Those dresses are heavy and hot, and it’s a typical Houston summer morning, warm and humid.

Pretty girls on horses.

Pretty girls NOT on horses:

Handsome men on horses

Handsome men NOT on horses

Big devil. (Better be careful; that’s an awfully big whip and he’s pretty good.)

Fortunately for me, he’s friendly.

When you see agave plants chasing you down the street on a Saturday morning, you start to wonder what you don’t remember about Friday night…

So. Let’s round this thing up, it’s time to hit the streets.

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Lousy Weather – Nice Car

From the Memorial Villages Independence Day Parade comes an extremely spiffy little runabout, a 1956 190SL Mercedes-Benz roadster.


It’s a pretty day out there (though much too hot) so… let’s hit the streets.

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From the files…

cleaning the desk last night (yeah, really!) and found this one…

From a few years back, 1999 I believe, when the Moving Wall was installed at the University of Houston for a Memorial Day remembrance. I have several shots from this; don’t know why this shot got misfiled, but here it is now.

The Wall

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